1 Month Update (31 Days Post-Op)

If you would like to learn more about my story and how a hair transplant procedure can regrow your hair, feel free to email me or contact my patient educator Steve Cook at 305.416.8418 as well at steve@mcgrathmedical.com.

Hello everyone,

Today is August 14 and I am exactly one month or 31 days post-op from my surgery.

Surprisingly, I have a lot of hairs from the original grafts still in and some one-hair micrografts have started to grow as well.

My scalp where the grafts were transplanted is a little pink and looks like I have a sunburn, but I don’t think anyone would notice it unless I point it out. I’ve had two ingrown hairs in the transplanted area since my surgery and they haven’t been a problem. I still feel a little numb in the top of my scalp where many of the larger, slit grafts were placed but I was told that some numbness and redness can last a few months after surgery.

The suture line is healing well and I am back to my normal routine of working out, riding my bike, and playing sports and there is no tightness in the suture line.

I haven’t had a haircut since my surgery as the scalp next to the suture line that was shaved but not excised is growing, so I will wait until the trimmed hair around the suture line is a decent length so my haircut will blend everything in.

Check back soon for my next update.

All my best,


Check out my 1 month post-op video on my YouTube channel.

[wpvideo ORdDyQta]

Photo on 8-4-14 at 11.00 PM Photo on 8-4-14 at 11.00 PM #2 Photo on 8-4-14 at 11.01 PM Photo on 8-4-14 at 11.01 PM #2 Photo on 8-4-14 at 11.01 PM #3 Photo on 8-4-14 at 11.01 PM #4 Photo on 8-4-14 at 11.02 PM Photo on 8-4-14 at 11.02 PM #4 Photo on 8-14-14 at 6.40 PM Photo on 8-14-14 at 6.40 PM #2 Photo on 8-14-14 at 6.41 PM Photo on 8-14-14 at 6.41 PM #2



What my suture line looks like

For those who are curious about what my suture line looks like, here are several photos from various points when I had the sutures in and what the suture line looks like as of this post. Right now the suture line is a little red but it will heal over the next year until it camouflages into a white trace line just like a crease in my hair.

Day of the surgery (7-14-14). In the third photo, notice how far the suture line goes all the way past my ear on both sides:




One week with the sutures in (7-21-14):



10 days post op right before suture removal (7-24-14):

In all, I had about 40-some odd sutures in the back of my head

Four weeks (8-04-14):



Today (one month and three days, 8-17-14). Notice how over time, the suture line has become more difficult to find: