If you would like to learn more about my story and how a hair transplant procedure can regrow your hair, feel free to email me or contact my patient educator Steve Cook at 305.416.8418 as well at steve@mcgrathmedical.com.
Hello everyone,
Today is Monday, July 11, 2016 and I am now 8 months post-op from my second hair transplant procedure.
I have to admit that I’ve been looking forward to this month’s update for a while. This month and today in particular mark some important milestones in my life. In a few days July 14 will mark the two year anniversary of my first procedure, but today is even more important because not only am I 8 months post-op from my second surgery, today is also my birthday.
That’s right, 30 years ago today, little Lance came into this world kicking and screaming weighing in at almost 10 pounds. As I enter the third decade of my life I can honestly say that I have never felt or looked better.
Below are pictures of me from various points in my life at ages 14, 22, 25, and 27 right before my first procedure. You can definitely tell how much my hairline had receded and how much the hair transplants lowered my hairline and built out the temporal peaks.
Now that I am closing in on my final result for my second procedure, at age 30, I finally have the hairline I should’ve had all along.
Check back next month in August at 9 months post-op.
All my best,
2001: Age 14 going on 15
This is me and my dad at a taekwondo tournament right before my 15th birthday in May 2001. Notice how square my hairline is in my right temple and how my dad is a class 7 on the Norwood scale. My dad has been bald his entire adult life.

2009: Age 22 going on 23
These are pictures of me at a formal event during my senior year of college right before my 23rd birthday. The first pic is actually of two other people, I just happened to be standing in front a mirror next to them. I had a really bad haircut that showed my level of recession and it can’t look any worse than this horseshoe-shaped thinning pattern.

2011: age 25
These pictures were taken from when I was just beginning to notice my receding hairline in 2011 when I was 25 years old. Not long after I took these photos, I knew I wanted to do something about my hair loss and went to Bosley for my first hair transplant consultation.

2014: Age 27 going on 28, a month before my first procedure:
These pictures were taken on a cruise I went on in June 2014 a month before my first surgery.

And this is the formal picture you take on a cruise. As you tell, I had such deep temporal recession that it was difficult getting a decent picture from either side. Whenever my ex-girlfriend and I used to take pictures together, I always had us retake the picture several times because I was so self-conscious about how much of my forehead would show.
Compare all of those pictures from ages 22 to 27 and now take a look at how much more hair I have at age 30:
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Check back next month in August at the 9 month mark.
All my best,